Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A day in the life of you in 1943

My alarm went off at 5:00 am. I hope out of bed and am on my way to practices. Country music is blaring in my car to keep me awake well I frantically drive to practice. I dive into the freezing cold water and being my workout. Two hours later I am pulling myself out of the pool. Then off to school I go. Class goes by way to fast and next thing you know I am in the pool again for work out number two. I noticed the lines on the bottom of the pool were going by extremely slow this afternoon. This made them appear fatter and darker. But once again practice flew by too fast. On my way home I saw a sign for a hospital on the expressway. It made me think about my mom. The time she took me too the doctor because they thought I had ADHD. My mom stuck up for me and told them that I as just bored and then told then about my love for swimming. The doctor took my own symptoms into consideration and told my mom to get me involved in a swim team. It was the best thing she could have ever done for me. I pulled into the drive way and walked in to see my mom waiting for me at the dinner table with dinner all ready. I walked over to her and hugged her. When she asked what it was for I said, " For everything you do for me."

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