Thursday, November 10, 2011

     Title: Bell Hooks Essentialism and Experience
  The general argument made by author X in her work, Bell hooks Essentialism and Experience is that Teachers need experience in order for students to understand the material clearly. More specifically, get bored and don’t have trust in their teachers that haven’t had first hand experience with what they are teaching.  she writes, “all students, not just those from marginalized groups, seem more eager to enter energetically into classroom discussions when they perceive is at pertaining directly to them.” In this passage, X suggesting that students need entertainment and real life explains and situations to keep them interested and wanting to learn more about things. In conclusion, X's belief is that teachers need experience to fully teach it to their students.
      In my view, X is Right because until you go through something you don’t fully understand it.
     More specifically, I believe that most teachers these days don’t have first hand experience in what there teaching. For example, a professor teaching the African culture when he has never seen or been apart of it cant fully describe how it really is. Although X might object that reading and research is good enough. I maintain that unless you have a first hand experience you cant fully understand it. Therefore, I conclude, that teachers should study aboard in order to get first hand experiences in their subjects 

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